Send a message to the future !

Go to the time capsule selection

Re-open in 950 years
Close at 2050-12-31 (Year, Month, Day)

Field with * must be completed

(french, english, german...)

(France, Germany, USA...)

The maximum size for image is (in octet):600000

The maximum size for video is (in octet):5000000
How should your message be displayed ?
Website and email (emails field require)
Only email (emails field require)
Website and post mail (Post Mail field required)
Website, email and post mail (emails field and Post Mail field required)
Email and post mail (emails field and Post Mail field required)
Only post mail (Post Mail field required)
Emails (seperated by ",",field required if email notification is selected)

*Type the two words below

By clicking on the send button (or by pressing on the enter button)
I agree and I accept the website disclaimer